Traditional acupuncture and fibromyalgia
Traditional acupuncture and fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is characterised by widespread pain and a heightened, painful response to pressure. Symptoms of chronic fatigue and sleep disturbance are also commonly seen. It is estimated that 2 to 4 % of the population suffer from this extremely debilitating condition. The purpose of this piece will be to briefly discuss fibromyalgia from a western biomedical perspective, and then to look at how traditional acupuncture can be employed to help with this condition, and finally, to discuss the available research on the effectiveness of acupuncture. Fibromyalgia & western medicine Fibromyalgia is sometimes given the longer name of Fibromyalgia Syndrome, because often the symptoms are not restricted to pain, but can include fatigue, disturbed sleep, and joint stiffness, and in addition It is often seen together with psychiatric conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety. The name literally means 'muscle and connective tis...